Sarawak History Sources : Japanese Empire in the tropics : selected documents and reports of the Japanese period in Sarawak, Northwest Borneo, 1941-1945 / edited and introduced by Ooi Keat Gin.
Sarawak Museum : Ceramics in the Sarawak Museum / by L. Chin.; Sarawak Museum.
Sarawak Poetry : Poems of indigenous peoples of Sarawak : some of the songs and chants / project of Carol Rubenstein, with the Sarawak Museum.; Rubenstein, Carol.
Sarawak Population Statistics : Perangkaan penting Sarawak = Vital statistics, Sarawak.; Malaysia. Department of Statistics.
Sarawak Rural Conditions : The potential for rural development in the new Seventh Division of Sarawak : a preliminary background report.; Schwenk, Richard L.
Sarawak United Peoples Party : Chinese politics in Sarawak : a study of the Sarawak United People's Party.; Chin, Ung-Ho.
Sarcophagi Roman : Depicting the dead : self-representation and commemoration on Roman sarcophagi with portraits / Stine Birk.; Birk, Stine,
Sarcophagi Roman Catalogues : Roman funerary sculpture : catalogue of the collections / Guntram Koch with Karol Wight.; J. Paul Getty Museum,
Sardine Fisheries : The pilchard : biology and exploitation.; Culley, Michael.
Sardine Fisheries England : Reasons most humbly proposed against that part of the bill (entituled, A bill to prevent mischievous practices, tending to the destruction of the pilchard-fishery in Devon and Cornwall) which limits the fishing with drift-nets
Sardinia Italy History 1708 1861 : Osservazione intorno alle carceri di Sardegna : fatte / da Giorgio Giovanni Warren Lord Vernon.; Vernon, G. J. Warren
Sargeson Frank : The secular visionaries: aestheticism and New Zealand short fiction in the twentieth century.; Gwynne, Joel.
Sargin Nihat Trials Litigation Etc : A - Case of Yağci and Sargin v. Turkey : judgment of 8 June 1995 : B - Case of Mansur v. Turkey : judgment of 8 June 1995.; European Court of Human Rights.
Sarisbury England Maps : Hampshire [cartographic material] : sheet SU 50 NW.; Great Britain.
Sark Description And Travel Early Works To 1800 : Nevvs from the channel, or The discovery and perfect description of the Isle of Serke : Appertaining to the English crown and never before publickly discoursed of. Truly setting forth the notable stratagem whereby it was first taken, the nature of the place and people. Their government, customes, manufactures and other particulars, no less necessary than pleasant to be known. In a letter from a gentleman now inhabiting there, to his friend and kinsman in London.; Wearis, F.
Sark History : Calendar and catalogue of Sark Seigneurie Archive 1526-1927 / edited by Marie Axton and Richard Axton.