Science Data Processing Congresses : Computing methods in applied sciences and engineering, 1977, I / Third International Symposium, December 5-9, 1977 ; [organized by] IRIA LABORIA, Institut de recherche d'informatique et d'automatique ; edited by R. Glowinski and J.L. Lions.; International Symposium on Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Science Dictionaries Early Works To 1800 : A physical dictionary. Or, An Interpretation of such crabbed words and terms of art, as are deriv'd from the Greek or Latin, and used in physick, anatomy, chirurgery, and chymistry. : With a definition of most diseases incident to the body of man: and a description of the marks and characters used by doctors in their receipts. Published for the more perfect understanding of Mr. Tomlinson's translation of Rhaenodaeus dispensatory and whatever other books of physick and surgery are extant in the English tongue. This dictionary will be as useful and sufficient to all our late English practitioners in physick, or chirurgery (especially such as are not scholars) as any dictionary of ten shillings price. Approved by several doctors, surgeons, and apothecaries; and recommended by them in an epistle to all English practitioners in physick and chirurgerie.
Science Dictionaries French : Harrap's French and English science dictionary / consultant editor, D.E. Hathway.
Science Dictionaries German : Dictionary of science and technology : German-English / compiled and arranged by A.F. Dorian.
Science Dictionaries Italian : Dizionario enciclopedico scientifico e tecnico, inglese italiano, italiano inglese.
Science Directories : World directory of national science policy-making bodies = Répertoire mondial d'organismes directeurs de la politique scientifique national.; Unesco.
Science Europe History 15th Century : From oikonomia to political economy : constructing economic knowledge from the Renaissance to the scientific revolution / Germano Maifreda.; Maifreda, Germano.
Science Europe History Congresses : History of science and technology in education and training in Europe : a conference organised by the Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, and the Division of History of Science of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (DHS-IUHPS), on behalf of ALLEA (All European Academies) / edited by Claude Debru.