Simile Dictionaries : Dictionnaire français/anglais des comparaisons = English/French dictionary of similes.; Parmentier, Michel Alfred,
Simile Dictionaries French : Dictionnaire français/anglais des comparaisons = English/French dictionary of similes.; Parmentier, Michel Alfred,
Simile Early Works To 1800 : A treasurie or store-house of similies : both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray.; Cawdry, Robert.
Simon Howe Rigg England Maps : [Simon Howe Rigg [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, North Riding 60.8].; Great Britain.
Simon John 1816 1904 : Simon : a political biography of Sir John Simon.; Dutton, David,
Simon Of Highbury David Alec Gwyn Simon Baron 1939 : The new global leaders : Richard Branson, Percy Barnevik, and David Simon / Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries with Elizabeth Florent-Treacy.; Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R.
Simon Of Sudbury 1317 1381 : Registrum Simonis de Sudbiria, Diocesis Londoniensis, A.D. 1362-1375 / transcribed and edited by R.C. Fowler.; Catholic Church.
Simon Richard 1638 1712 Histoire Critique De Vieux Testament : An excellent discourse proving the divine original and authority of the five books of Moses / written originally in French by Monsieur Du Bois de la Cour, and approved by six doctors of the Sorbon ; to which is added a second part, or an examination of a considerable part of Pere Simon's critical history of the Old Testament ... by W.L.; Filleau de la Chaise, Jean,
Simonetti Spartaco Trials Litigation Etc : Cases of Macaluso, Manunza, Gilberti, Nonnis, Trotto, Cattivera, Seri, Gori, Casadio, Testa, Covitti, Zonetti, Simonetti, Dal Sasso v. Italy, judgments of 3rd December, 1991.; European Court of Human Rights.
Simonstown Naval Base : The changing shore : a history of the West Dockyard, Simon's Town, 1743-1996 / by S.A. Myers ; edited and published by the Naval Heritage Trust.; Myers, S. A.
Simplicius Of Cilicia : Protoktisia, seu creationis a Deo factae et in ea prioris Adami ex creatione integri & ex lapsu corrupti historia.; Junius, Franciscus,
Simpson A W B : Human rights and legal history : essays in honour of Brian Simpson / edited by Katherine O'Donovan and Gerry R. Rubin.
Simpson John : The old leaven purged out, or, The apostacy of this day further opened : being a true and faithfull narrative of the orderly prooceedings [sic] and dealings of the lesser part of the congregation formerly walking with Mr. John Sympson, with and against severall souldiers of the army, who (being fallen in with the apostacy of this day, contrary to professed and declared principles, and the many out-goings of the Lord thereupon) are withdrawn and separated from, together with Mr. Sympson their chief abettor, and others, after neer two years labouring whilest while we were in the congregation, and neer two years more since : as also the true coppies of seven of the letters which Mr. Sympson wrote with his own hand, and sent to the congregation an answer to several objections that have been, or may be raised against printing and published the whole : all humbly presented to publique view, not in strife, vain-glory, or to be seen of men, but we hope out of conscience, to endeavor a recovering of the name of the Lord ...; Hathorn, Humphrey.
Simpson John 1662 : The Failing & perishing of good men : a matter of great & sore lamentation : held forth in a sermon preach'd the 26 of June 1662, being the day before the internment of that eminent and faithful gospel-preacher, Mr. John Sympson.
Simpson John 1944 : Strange places, questionable people.; Simpson, John,
Simpson Margaret 1679 : Dreadful news from Southwark, or, A Most true relation how one Margaret Simpson widow, together with Elizabeth Griffin an infant of about a year and an half old, were wonderfully struck dead with a thunderbolt in ship-yard in Kent-Street on Munday the 4th of this instant August between two and three of the clock in the afternoon : the said Margaret Simpson having but just before used many oaths and execrations on herself about paying a farthing, which 'tis believ'd was false : with the miraculous manner how the thunderbolt entred and no place to be found where it should pass out, nor wound found on either of the said parties kill'd.