Author |
Willsford, John.
Title |
The lying spirit and false aspertions turned home again, or, An answer to two reviling letters about the peoples right to tythes : sent to the people call'd Quakers in the Vail of Bellvier by Clement Nedham, a Presbyterian, who writes himself, a farmer in the county of Leicester : wherein I have shew'd according to scriptures, what spirit it was that brought up tythes among the Christians, so call'd : and that those that brought them up since Christ put an end to them were not in their right senses, but were made drunk by drinking of that spirit of error that made them do they knew not what, and consequently their examples not to be followed : with an addition, shewing, that the impropriator hath less right to tythes then the poor or priest, if less can be : with a few words in love to all those that send their sons to those places called universities, with an intent to make them ministers : also a copy of a letter sent to G.N. in manuscript, wherein his unhansom and unchristian-like dealings may be seen : with a short postcript to the reader / by J.W. ... |
Related title |
Answer to two reviling letters about the peoples right to tythes.
Publication Info |
[London] printed : [s.n.], 1673. |