Sociology Urban Cross Cultural Studies : The human sustainable city : challenges and perspectives from the habitat agenda / edited by Luigi Fusco Girard ... [et al.].
Sociology Urban Europe : Embodiments of power : building baroque cities in Europe / edited by Gary B. Cohen and Franz A.J. Szabo.
Sociology Urban Europe History 19th Century : Civil society, associations, and urban places : class, nation, and culture in nineteenth-century Europe / edited by Graeme Morton, Boudien de Vries and R.J. Morris.
Sociology Urban Methodology Congresses : Urbanization in history : a process of dynamic interactions / edited by Ad van der Woude, Akira Hayami, Jan de Vries.; International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Sociology Urban Philosophy : Urban theory and the urban experience : encountering the city.; Parker, Simon,
Sociology Vocational Guidance : Sociology as a vocation : an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Leicester, 18th February 1971.; Banks, J. A.
Sociology Work And Labour : Transit states : labour, migration and citizenship in the Gulf / edited by Abdulhadi Khalaf, Omar AlShehabi and Adam Hanieh.
Sociolonguistics : The double perspective : language, literacy, and social relations.; Bleich, David.
Sodality Of The Immaculate Conception : Rules of the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception of the most glorious, and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of God : accommodated to the practice of England according to the present time.; Sodality of the Immaculate Conception.