Soil Conservation Africa : Sustaining the soil : indigenous soil and water conservation in Africa / edited by Chris Reij, Ian Scoones and Camilla Toulmin.
Soil Conservation China : A case study on effect of yunnan pine forest on erosion control : with special reference to the alpine gorge, N.W. Yunnan.; Zhou, Yue.
Soil Fertility Africa Management : Nutrients on the move : soil fertility dynamics in African farming systems / edited by Thea Hilhorst and Fred Muchena.
Soil Fertility Ethiopia Management : Understanding environmental policy processes : cases from Africa / James Keeley and Ian Scoones.; Keeley, James.
Soil Fertility Mali Management : Understanding environmental policy processes : cases from Africa / James Keeley and Ian Scoones.; Keeley, James.
Soil Fertility Zimbabwe Management : Understanding environmental policy processes : cases from Africa / James Keeley and Ian Scoones.; Keeley, James.
Soil Management England Kent Early Works To 1800 : The inrichment of the weald of Kent. Or A direction to the husbandman, for the true ordering, manuring, and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent, and Sussex; and may generally serve for all the grounds in England of that nature: as 1. Shewing the nature of wealdish ground, comparing it with the soyl of the shires at large. 2. Declaring what the marl is, and the several sorts thereof, and where it is usually found. 3. The profitable use of marl, and other rich manuring, as well in each sort of arable land, as also for the increase of corn and pasture through the kingdome. Painfully gathered for the good of this island, by a man of great eminence and worth, but revised, inlarged, and corrected with the consent, and by conference with the first author. By G.M.
Soil Management Thailand Northern : Options for soil and farmer friendly agriculture in the highlands of northern Thailand / edited by Koen Van Keer ... [et al.].; Tropical Ecology Support Program.
Soil Moisture Early Works To 1800 : How to order any land, so as it may reteyne all the moysture that falleth thereon, and to improve it thereby; Shaw, John,