Spanish Language Acquisition : Spanish As A Heritage Language in the United States : The State Of The Field / Sara M. Beaudrie and Marta Fairclough, editors.
Spanish Language America : Andaluz y espanol de America : historia de un parentesco linguistico.; Frago Gracia, Juan A.
Spanish Language Dialects Andalusia Texts : Textos andaluces en transcripcion fonetica / Manuel Alvar, Antonio Llorente, Gregorio Salvador ; edicion de Manuel Alvar y Pilar Garcia Mouton.
Spanish Language Dictionaries Early Works To 1800 : A very profitable boke to lerne the maner of redyng, writyng, [and] speakyng English [and] Spanish. Libro muy pronechoso para saber la manera de leer, y screuir, y hablar Angleis, y Espanol
Spanish Language Dictionaries Polyglot : Lexicon tetraglotton : an English-French-Italian-Spanish dictionary : whereunto is adjoined a large nomenclature of the proper terms (in all the four) belonging to several arts and sciences, to recreations, to professions both liberal and mechanick, &c. ... : with another volume of the choicest proverbs in all the said toungs ... and the English translated into the other three ... : moreover, there are sundry familiar letters and verses running all in proverbs with a particular tome of the British or old Cambrian sayed sawes and adages ... : lastly, there are five centuries of new sayings ... / by the labours and lucubrations of James Hovvell, Esq.; Howell, James,
Spanish Language Dictionaries Tzotzil : The great Tzotzil dictionary of Santo Domingo Zinacantan : with grammatical analysis and historical commentary.; Laughlin, Robert M.
Spanish Language Grammar 1950 : Esbozo de una nueva gramática de la lengua española / Real Academia Española (Comisión de Gramática).; Real Academia Española.
Spanish Language Granada : El habla de Granada y sus barrios / Juan Antonio Moya Corral, Emilio J. Garcia Wiedemann.; Moya Corral, Juan Antonio.
Spanish Language Historiography : La teoria del "Castellano Primitivo" : nacionalismo y reflexion linguistica en el Renacimiento espanol.; Binotti, Lucia.