Spanish Literature Italian Influences : The history of the commedia dell'arte in modern Hispanic literature with special attention to the work of Garcia Lorca.; George, David J.
Spanish Literature Modernism History : Inventing high and low : literature, mass culture and uneven modernity in Spain.; Sieburth, Stephanie Anne.
Spanish Literature South America : Escribir en el aire : ensayo sobre la heterogeneidad socio-cultural en las literaturas andinas.; Cornejo Polar, Antonio.
Spanish Poetry Early To 1500 : The poem of the Cid : a new critical edition of the Spanish text / with an introduction and notes by Ian Michael ; translated by Rita Hamilton and Janet Perry.
Spanish Poetry To 1500 Indexes : Catalogo-indice de la poesia cancioneril del siglo XV / Brian Dutton, con la colaboracion de Stephen Fleming ... [et al.].; Dutton, Brian.
Spanish Poetry Translations Into English : The poem of the Cid : a new critical edition of the Spanish text / with an introduction and notes by Ian Michael ; translated by Rita Hamilton and Janet Perry.