Spirituality Anecdotes : Heartsick for country [electronic resource] : stories of love, spirit, and creation / edited by Sally Morgan, Tjalaminu Mia, and Blaze Kwaymullina.
Spirituality Case Studies : Revelatory events : three case studies of the emergence of new spiritual paths / Ann Taves.; Taves, Ann,
Spirituality Congresses : Modern spiritualities : an inquiry / edited by Laurence Brown, Bernard C. Farr, R. Joseph Hoffmann.
Spirituality Encyclopedias : Encyclopedia of new religions : new religious movements, sects and alternative spiritualities / edited by Christopher Partridge.
Spirituality England History : The embodied word : female spiritualities, contested orthodoxies, and English religious cultures, 1350-1700 / Nancy Bradley Warren.; Warren, Nancy Bradley.
Spirituality Europe History : The embodied word : female spiritualities, contested orthodoxies, and English religious cultures, 1350-1700 / Nancy Bradley Warren.; Warren, Nancy Bradley.
Spirituality History 21st Century : The spiritual revolution : why religion is giving way to spirituality / Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead ; with Benjamin Seel, Bronislaw Szerszynski and Karin Tusting.; Heelas, Paul.
Spirituality Research : The meaning of spirituality and spiritual care within nursing and health care practice : a study of the perceptions of health care professionals, patients and the public / Wilfred McSherry.; McSherry, Wilfred.
Spirituality Social Aspects : Spirituality and social care : contributing to personal and community well-being / edited by Mary Nash and Bruce Stewart.
Spirituality United States : World religions for healthcare professionals [electronic resource] / edited by Siroj Sorajjakool, Mark F. Carr, and Julius J. Nam.
Spitalfields London England Church History 17th Century Early Works T : A vindication of the case of Spittle-Fields, against an uncharitable paper, privately printed, called a True narrative of the case of Sir George Wheler, &c. : Humbly offer'd to the Honourable House of Commons.
Spitalfields London England History 17th Century Early Works To 1 : The case of the inhabitants of the hamlet of spittle-fields, : with relation to their late petition for a supply toward building a church or chappel, for the use of the said inhabitants, humbly laid before the honourable house of Commons.
Spitalfields London England Race Relations : Strangers, aliens and Asians : Huguenots, Jews and Bangladeshis in Spitalfields 1660-2000 / Anne J. Kershen.; Kershen, Anne J.