Storytelling Fiction : The Decameron : a new translation : 21 novelle, contemporary reactions, modern criticism / selected, translated, and edited by Mark Musa and Peter E. Bondanella.; Boccaccio, Giovanni,
Storytelling Religious Aspects Christianity : Figuring the sacred : religion, narrative, and imagination / Paul Ricoeur ; translated by David Pellauer ; edited by Mark I. Wallace.; Ricœur, Paul.
Stourbridge Canal : The Dudley and Stourbridge Canals : a bi-centenary commemorative booklet / [text: J. Ian Langford, H. Jack Haden].; Langford, J. Ian.
Stourbridge Fair 1603 Barnwell Northamptonshire : By the King : the spreading of the infection in our citie of London, and in the places next about it, doeth giue vs iust cause to be as prouident as a carefull prince can bee, to take away all occasion of increasing the same.; England and Wales.
Stout Mary Active 17th Century Letter To Haworth : The Quaker converted to Christianity : re-established, upon the same, sure, safe, and only foundation, Jesus Christ crucified, and his righteousness imputed for justification : having yet no mind to change the sweet and easie Yoke of Christ's Gospel, for the Old Covenant-Yoke of Quakerism, which he found so burdensome and intolerable, or, A full reply to a book entituled, Rebellion rebuked written by John Crook and William Baily, both in the ministry among the Quakers / written by William Haworth ... ; with an account from William Dimsdale ...; Haworth, William.