Strange And Prodigious Religions Customs And Manners Of Sundry Nations : There is newly published, the four following usefull and necessary books. : The queens closet opened ... The exact dealer refined ... the third edition, enlarged. ... The young secretary's guide: or, A speedy help to learning. In two parts. ... The strange and prodigious religions, customs, and manners, of sundry nations ... the second edition. All four printed for Henry Rhodes ...
Strange And True Newes From Glocester : The lying-vvonders, or rather the vvonderful-lyes, : which was lately published to the world, in a lying-pamphlet, (called Strange and true news from Gloucester) containing a relation of the wonderful power of God, shewed for injustice at Fairford, by frogs and toads; and in the sudden death of the Clarks daughter at Brokington in Gloucestershire. Presented to the view of the world, with some observations in the end on another such like pamphlet (The Lords loud call to England) I. That the subtilty of deluders may be discerned. II. That the simple may from their delusions be preserved. III. That the lovers of truth may be strengthned. IV. That all men about these wonders may be satisfied. / By Robert Clark, minister of Gods Word in Norleach.; Clark, Robert,
Strange James : A true copy of the Lord Strange his warrant for puting [sic] in execution the illegall commission of array in Lancashire. : To all and every the high constables in the hundred of Amoun[cei?]ves.; Derby, James Stanley,
Strange Robert 1654 : The efficiency of Gods grace in bringing gain-saying sinners to Christ : a sermon preached at Summerford in Wiltshire, at the funerall of that pious and worthy young gentleman, Robert Strange : with a narrative of his short but wellspent life / by Simeon Ashe ...; Ashe, Simeon,
Strange Susan : Strange power : shaping the parameters of international relations and international political economy / edited by Thomas C. Lawton, James N. Rosenau, Amy C. Verdun.
Strangers : Strange encounters : embodied others in post-coloniality / Sara Ahmed.; Ahmed, Sara,
Strangers In Literature : The stranger in medieval society / F.R.P. Akehurst and Stephanie Cain Van D'Elden, editors.
Strangewayes George 1659 : A True relation of the most horrid murder committed by Mr. George Strangewayes on the person of his brother in law Mr. George Fussill
Strangeways George 1658 : The unhappy marksman. Or A perfect and impartial discovery of that late barbarous and unparallel'd murther committed by Mr. George Strangwayes, : formerly a major in the Kings army, on his brother-in-law Mr. John Fussel an attorney, on Friday the eleventh of February. Together with a full discovery of the fatal cause of those unhappy differences which first occasioned the suits in law betwixt them. Also the behavior of Mr. Strangways at his tryal. The dreadful sentence pronounced against him. His letter to his brother-in-law, a Member of Parliament. The words by him delivered at his death; and his stout, but Christian-like manner of dying. Published by a faithful hand.
Strangford Philip Smythe Viscount 1634 1708 : An acte for the enableing of Philipp Viscount Strangford within the kingdome of Ireland and Isabella Viscountesse his wife or ye surviv[o]r of them to sell [sertaine?] lands and tenem[en]ts for ye paym[en]t of theire debts.
Strangways Henry 1562 : A new balade of the worthy seruice of late doen by Maister Strangwige in Fraunce, and of his death; Birch, William,
Strangways John 1585 1666 : The commonplace book of Sir John Strangways (1645-1666) / edited by Thomas G.Olsen.; Strangways, John,
Strasberg Lee : A dream of passion : the development of the method / Lee Strasberg ; edited by Evangeline Morphos.; Strasberg, Lee.
Strasbourg France Imprints : Lay culture, learned culture : books and social change in Strasbourg, 1480-1599 / Miriam Usher Chrisman.; Chrisman, Miriam Usher.
Strasbourg France Intellectual Life : Lay culture, learned culture : books and social change in Strasbourg, 1480-1599 / Miriam Usher Chrisman.; Chrisman, Miriam Usher.
Strasbourg Reformation : Strasbourg and the reform : a study in the process of change.; Chrisman, Mariam Usher.
Strategic Alliances Business Case Studies : Measuring the value of partnering : how to use metrics to plan, develop, and implement successful alliances.; Segil, Larraine.
Strategic Alliances Business Congresses : Business networks : prospects for regional development / edited by Udo H. Staber, Norbert V. Schaefer, Basu Sharma.
Strategic Alliances Business Europe : High-technology clusters, networking, and collective learning in Europe / edited by David Keeble and Frank Wilkinson.
Strategic Alliances Business Evaluation : Measuring the value of partnering : how to use metrics to plan, develop, and implement successful alliances.; Segil, Larraine.
Strategic Alliances Business Management : Strategic business alliances : an examination of the core dimensions / Keith W. Gleister, Rumy Husan, and Peter J. Buckley.; Glaister, Keith Wilson.
Strategic Bombers Great Britain : Rhetoric and reality in air warfare : the evolution of British and American ideas about strategic bombing, 1914-1945 / Tami Davis Biddle.; Biddle, Tami Davis,
Strategic Bombers United States : Rhetoric and reality in air warfare : the evolution of British and American ideas about strategic bombing, 1914-1945 / Tami Davis Biddle.; Biddle, Tami Davis,
Strategic Communication : The death of a thousand cuts : corporate campaigns and the attack on the corporation.; Manheim, Jarol B.,
Strategic Culture Case Studies : The shaping of grand strategy : policy, diplomacy, and war / edited by Williamson Murray, Richard Hart Sinnreich, James Lacey.
Strategic Culture United States : Contemporary military culture and strategic studies : US and UK armed forces in the 21st century / Alastair Finlan.; Finlan, Alastair.
Strategic Culture United States History : Why America loses wars : limited war and US strategy from the Korean War to the present / Donald Stoker.; Stoker, Donald J.,
Strategic Forces Russia Federation : The Kremlin's nuclear sword : the rise and fall of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, 1945-2000 / Steven J. Zaloga.; Zaloga, Steven J.
Strategic Forces Soviet Union : The Kremlin's nuclear sword : the rise and fall of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, 1945-2000 / Steven J. Zaloga.; Zaloga, Steven J.