Taxation Great Britain Colonies America : British politics and the Stamp Act crisis : the first phase of the American Revolution 1763-1767 / by P. D. G. Thomas.; Thomas, Peter David Garner,
Taxation Great Britain History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : Reasons humbly exhibited, why ministers tithes and profits should not be taxed as a reall estate of yearly rent, or yearly value of land, as hitherto they have beene, but as a personall estate of goods and chattels onely
Taxation Great Britain Law : Act for raising moneys by a poll, and otherwise, towards the maintenance of the present war; England and Wales.
Taxation Great Britain Law And Legislation : A proclamation, concerning the persons who are lyable in the payment of the annuity of teinds, their purchasing the same from His Majesty, and the collection of the arrears thereof remaining unpayed / James R.; England and Wales.
Taxation Great Britain Law And Legislation Early Works To 1800 : An ordinance touching the assessing, levying, and collecting of the latter three months assesment appointed by an act of the late Parlament, : entituled, An act for an assesment at the rate of 120000 l. by the moneth, for six moneths, from the 25. of December 1653, to the 24. of June then next ensuing, towards the maintenance of the armies and navies of this Commonwealth. Fryday, 17. February, 1653. Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector, and His Council, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Scobell Clerk of the Council.; England and Wales.
Taxation Great Britain Rates And Tables : The Former rates being printed by a false copy before both Houses were agreed : we here present you with a true account of the rates for poll-money, how every one is setted throughout the kingdome as it was drawne up by consent of both Houses, and made an act of Parliament by the Kings consent on the third of Iuly, 1641 : and since printed at large with two other acts for an utter suppressing the Star-Chamber and High-Commission Courts, and for regulating the Counsell Table.
Taxation Great Britain Sermons : Apostolike obedience : shewing the duty of subiects to pay tribute and taxes to their princes according to the word of God, in the law and the Gospell ... a sermon preached at Northampton, at the assises for the countie, Febr. 22. 1626 / by Robert Sybthorpe ...; Sybthorpe, Robert,
Taxation Great Britain Sermons Early Works To 1800 : Apostolike obedience. : Shewing the duty of subiects to pay tribute and taxes to their princes, according to the word of God, in the law and the Gospell, and the rules of religion, and cases of conscience; determined by the ancient fathers, and the best moderne divines; yea even by those neoterickes who in some other things, put too strict limits to regalitie. A sermon preached at Northampton, at the assises, for the countie, Feb. 22. 1626. / By Robert Sybthorpe Doctor in Divinity, vicar of Brackley..; Sybthorpe, Robert,
Taxation History Scotland 17th Century : Unto His Grace, His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable Estates of Parliament, the petition of the tacks-men of the pole-money
Taxation Ireland History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : An indenture containing a grant of all His Majesties revenue of Ireland : Ordinary and extraordinary, certain and casual whatsoever, (new and extraordinary aydes by future acts of Parliament onely excepted) to Sir James Shaen and others for seven years, to commence the 26th. day of December 1675. inclusive. Yielding and paying therefore unto His Majesty, the summe of twenty thousand pounds the last day of every calendar moneth; the first payment of twenty thousand pounds to be compleated and made at or before the last day of April 1676. And the last twenty thousand pounds at or before the last day of March 1683. or within thirty dayes thereafter respectively.; England and Wales.
Taxation Ireland History Early Works To 1800 : By the King: a proclamation. James R. : Whereas certain duties for excise and customs are made payable to us by several acts of Parliament out of all forreign goods and merchandizes that shall be imported into this our kingdom of Ireland; ...; England and Wales.
Taxation Korea : Successful solution of tax problem in Korea.; Kim Yong Hui.
Taxation Kuwait : Kuwait's tax reformation, its alternatives and impact on a developing accounting profession.; Al-Rashed, Wael E.R.
Taxation Law And Legislation : Electronic commerce and international taxation / by Richard L. Doernberg, Luc Hinnekens.; Doernberg, Richard L.
Taxation Law And Legislation Egypt : Revenue laws of Ptolemy Philadelphus / edited from a Greek papyrus in the Bodleian Library, with a translation, commentary, and appendices, by B. P. Grenfell, and an introduction by the Rev. J. P. Mahaffy.; Ptolemy