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Taylor Daniel Approximately 1614 1655 : Mercy in her exaltation. Or, A soveraigne antidote against fear of the second death. : In a sermon preached at the funeral of Daniel Taylor Esq; in Stephens Colemanstreet London, on the twentieth day of April, an. 1655.; Goodwin, John,  1655 1
Taylor Edward 1642 1729   5
Taylor Edward Thompson 1793 1871 Biography : Life of Father Taylor, the sailor preacher.  1904 1
Taylor Elizabeth 1912 1975   2
Taylor Ernest E Ernest Edwin 1869 1955 : Ernest E. Taylor : valiant for Truth.; Whiting, J. Roland.  1958 1
Taylor Family : Bible. English. Authorized. 1622.  1622 1
Taylor Frederick Winslow 1856 1915   9
Taylor Graham 1851 1938 : The social gospel, "new" immigration, and American culture.; Tracey, Arthur Linwood.  1975 1
Taylor Isidore Justin Severin Baron 1789 1879 : Catalogue de la bibliotheque dramatique de feu le baron Taylor...; Delestre, Maurice.  1893 1
Taylor James Tanner : The full tryal, examination, and conviction of Mr. James Taylor a tanner, : at Kingston Assizes, before the Lord Chief Baron Ward, on Friday the 12th day of March 1703 for vindicating by seditious words the horrid murther of King Charles the First, the Calves Head Clubb, and others scandalous and dangerous expressions against the Queen and all the race of the Royal Family. &c. Who was prosecuted by William Borret, Esq;.; Taylor, James,  1703? 1
Taylor Jane 1865 : A complete report of the trials of Dr. E.W. Pritchard, for the alleged poisoning of his wife and mother-in-law / carefully revised by an eminent lawyer.; Pritchard, Edward William,  1865 1
Taylor Jeremy 1613 1667   10
Taylor Jeremy 1613 1667 Bibliography   2
Taylor Jeremy 1613 1667 Deus Justificatus : Sapientia justificata, or, A vindication of the fifth chapter to the Romans : and therein of the glory of the divine attributes, and that in the question or case of original sin, against any way of erroneous understanding it, whether old or new : more especially, an answer to Dr. Jeremy Taylors Deus justificatus / by John Gaule ...; Gaule, John,  1657 1
Taylor Jeremy 1613 1667 Dissuasive From Popery   7
Taylor Jeremy 1613 1667 Theologia Eklektike : Anabaptism routed: or, a survey of the controverted points: Concerning [brace] 1. Infant-Baptisme. 2. Pretended necessity of dipping. 3. The dangerous practise of re-baptising. : Together, with a particular answer to all that is alledged in favour of the Anabaptists, by Dr. Jer. Taylor, in his book, called, the liberty of Prophesying. / By John Reading, B.D. and sometimes student of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford.; Reading, John,  1655 1
Taylor Jeremy 1613 1667 Unum Necessarium   2
Taylor John 1580 1653   6
Taylor John 1580 1653 Apology For Private Preaching   2
Taylor John 1580 1653 Conversion Confession Contrition Comming To H : The cities warning-peece, in the malignants description and conversion: or, The round-head turn'd poet. : Where a feast of prose and verse invites curiosity to be nibling.  1643 1
Taylor John 1580 1653 Devil Turnd Round Head : A Short, compendious, and true description of the round-heads, and the long-heads, shag-polls, briefly declared, with the true discovery both of the time and place of both their originall beginnings, deduced and drawn out of the purest and refinedst antiquties or records of time. Or, An answer to a most ridiculous, absurd, and beyond comparison, most foolish baffle, sent into the world by a stinking locust, and intituled, The devil turn'd round-head.  1642 1
Taylor John 1580 1653 John Taylor Being Yet Unhanged Sends Greeting   3
Taylor John 1580 1653 Mercurius Aquaticus   2
Taylor John 1580 1653 Swarme Of Sectaries And Schismaticks   2
Taylor John 1580 1653 Tale In A Tub Or A Tub Lecture : A full and compleat answer against the writer of a late volume set forth, entituled A tale in a tub, or, A tub lecture: : with a vindication of that ridiculous name called round-heads. Together with some excellent verses on the defacing of Cheap-side crosse. Also proving that it is far better to preach in a boat than in a tub. By Thorny Ailo, Annagram.; Taylor, John,  1642 1
Taylor John C 1921 : One ship too many : an autobiography.; Taylor, John C.,  1995 1
Taylor John Christopher : Church Missionary Society archive [microform]. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 6, Nigeria-Niger, 1857-1882.  1998 1
Taylor John Doctor : A new song..  1740? 1
Taylor John Of Walton On Thames : A declaration of the bloudie and unchristian acting of William Star and John Taylor of Walton, : vvith divers men in womens apparell, in opposition to those that dig upon George-hill in Surrey.  1649 1
Taylor John Taylors Revenge Or The Rymer William Fennor Firkt : Fennors defence: or, I am your first man : VVherein the VVater-man, Iohn Taylor, is dasht, sowst, and finally fallen into the Thames: With his slanderous taxations, base imputations, scandalous accusations and foule abhominations, against his maiesties ryming poet: who hath answered him without vexatione, or [...] bling recantations. The reason of my not meeting at the Hope with Taylor, is truly demonstrated in the induction to the [...] udger. Thy hastie gallop my milde muse shall checke, that if thou sit not sure, will breake thy necke.; Fennor, William.  1615 1
Taylor Joseph Active 17th 18th Century Brief Inquiry Whether Th   2
Taylor Martha 1651   4
Taylor Mr   2
Taylor Nathaniel W Nathaniel William 1786 1858 : Nathaniel William Taylor, 1786-1858 : a Connecticut liberal.; Mead, Sidney Earl.  1967 1
Taylor Peter 1638 Or 9 : Death's summons, and the saints duty : Laid forth first summarily in a sermon on 2. King. 20.1. in the cathedrall of St Peter in Exeter, Ianu. 24. 1638. at the solemne funerall of a well-deserving citizen. Since somewhat enlarged for the common good, by William Sclater, Master of Arts, late fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, now a preacher of Gods Word in the city of Exeter.; Sclater, William,  1640 1
Taylor Robert : Bloodstains in Ulster : the notorious case of Robert the painter.; McAlindon, Thomas,  2006 1
Taylor Silas 1624 1678 Imposter Magnus : The close hypocrite discovered; or A true description of the life and person of Cap. Taylor in the City of Hereford : Being a vindication of Mr. Rich Delamain, preacher in the said city and pastor of a congregated church in the said county; in answer to a scurrilous pamphlet entituled Impostor magnus. Faithfully related and published for the satisfaction of all good people.; G. N.  1654 1
Taylor Simon 1740 1813 : Plantation life in the Caribbean [microform] : the Taylor and Vanneck-Arcedeckne Papers from Cambridge University Library and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London Part 1 Jamaica, c.1765-1848.  c2005 1
Taylor Simon Esq : White fury : a Jamaican slaveholder and the age of revolution / Christer Petley.; Petley, Christer,  2018 1
Taylor Simon Esq Correspondence   2
Taylor Sophy 1825 1853 : Sophy under sail / [edited by] Irene C. Taylor.; Taylor, Sophy,  1969 1
Taylor Thomas : Thomas Taylor, Regency architect, Leeds.; Beckwith, Frank.    1
Taylor Thomas 1576 1632 : The works of that faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Dr. Thom. Taylor, sometimes minister of the gospel in Aldermanbury, London; Taylor, Thomas,  1653 1
Taylor Thomas 1618 1682 : Truth's innocency and simplicity shining through the conversion, Gospel-ministry, labours, epistles of love, testimonies and warnings to professors and profane : (with the long and patient sufferings) of that ancient and faithful minister and servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Taylor, who finish'd his course in the year MDCLXXXI.; Taylor, Thomas,  1697 1
Taylor Thomas Active 17th Century : Thomas Taylor at ye Golden Lyon near the Horne Tavern in Fleetstreet London ....  16--? 1
Taylor Thomas Active 1647   3
Taylor Thomas E : Running the blockade : a personal narrative of adventures, risks and escapes during the American Civil War.; Taylor, Thomas E.  1896 1
Taylor Timothy 1611 Or 12 1681 : A serious apology for the principles & practices of the people call'd Quakers : against the malicious aspertions, erronious doctrines, and horrid blasphemies of Thomas Jenner and Timothy Taylor, in their book, entituled, Quakerism anatomiz'd and confuted, divided into two parts / by George Whitehead, and William Penn.; Whitehead, George,  1671 1
Taylor Timothy 1611 Or 12 1681 Defence Of Sundry Positions : A rejoynder to Master Samuel Eaton and Master Timothy Taylor's reply. Or, an answer to their late book called A defence of sundry positions and scriptures, &c. : With some occasionall animadversions on the book called the Congregational way justified. For the satisfaction of all that seek the truth in love, especially for his dearly beloved and longed for, the inhabitants in and neer to Manchester in Lancashire. / Made and published by Richard Hollinworth. Mancuniens.; Hollingworth, Richard,  1647 1
Taylor Timothy 1611 Or 12 1681 Defence Of Sundry Positions An   2
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