Textile Industry England Economic Aspects : The Corporation of weavers at London and Canterbury do humbly offer to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons : that this kingdom will sustain great evils and damage, if a bill now depending in this House should pass into a law, which bill enjoyns the wear of cloath or leather, and consequently restrains the wear of silks and stuffs mixed with wooll, silk and hair, viz.
Textile Industry England London 17th Century : [The government of the Fullers, Shearmen, and Clothworkers of London : as proved by the charters & ordinances. / Compiled by a member of the court.]; Clothworkers' Company (London, England)
Textile Industry Germany North Rhine Westphalia : Staat und ländliche Industrialisierung : sozialer Wandel in zwei Dörfern einer deutsch-niederländischen Textilgewerberegion, 1830-1914 / Reinhard Schüren.; Schüren, Reinhard.
Textile Industry Germany Wurttemberg History : Zollverein und Innovation : die Reaktion württembergischer Textilindustrieller auf den Deutschen Zollverein 1834-1874.; Kollmer-von Oheimb-Loup, Gert.
Textile Industry Government Policy Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Reasons for adding a clause to the bill for preserving and encouraging the woollen and silk manufactures, &c. to except callicoe manufactured in Great Britain, out of the intended prohibition, : humbly offer'd to the Honble. House of Commons.
Textile Industry Malaysia : The Malay handloom weavers : a study of the rise and decline of traditional manufacture.; Maznah Mohamad.
Textile Industry Massachusetts History : Where is our responsibility? : unions and economic change in the New England textile industry, 1870-1960.; Hartford, William F.,
Textile Industry Netherlands Overijssel : Staat und ländliche Industrialisierung : sozialer Wandel in zwei Dörfern einer deutsch-niederländischen Textilgewerberegion, 1830-1914 / Reinhard Schüren.; Schüren, Reinhard.
Textile Industry Pakistan : Worrall's textile & engineering diary for India & Pakistan.; Worrall Limited.
Textile Industry Scotland : Act in favours of the undertakers of the cloath-manufactory at New Milns : Edinburgh, the fourteenth day of August, 1685.; Scotland.