Thorgill England Maps : Yorkshire [cartographic material] : sheet SE 79 NW.; Great Britain.
Thorius Raphael 1625 : Lessus in funere Raphaelis Thorii : medici et poetæ præstantissimi, qui Londini peste extinctus bonis et doctis omnibus triste sui desiderium reliquit, Anno 1625.; Aytoun, Robert,
Thorncliffe England Maps : [Staffordshire] [cartographic material] : sheet SK 05 NW.; Great Britain.
Thorncombe England Maps : Devonshire - Dorset - Somerset [cartographic material] : sheet ST 30 SE.; Great Britain.
Thorndike Herbert 1598 1672 Discourse Of The Forbearance Or The Pen : The popish informer reprehended for his false information against the Quakers meeting : in reply to ... An answer to a seditious libel, as he most falsly terms the late innocent declaration from the people of God, called, Quakers, against all seditious conventicles, &c. (wherein their innocency is cleared, and herein vindicated) : unto which is annexed, a brief recital of some accusations cast upon the said people, by one H. Thorndike, one of the prebends of Westminster, in his book entituled, A discourse of the forbearance, or the penalties which a due reformation requires.; Whitehead, George,
Thorne George : A brief relation of the state of man before transgression : shewing how man transgressed and lost his unity with God and what the state of man is in the transgression and restored into unity with God again : also, the state of the true Christians, with the state of the apostates discovered ... : with a word to the gathered people in Melcombe, who are in a society with George Thorne, falsly called a minister : together with some queries propounded unto him with desire of an answer : as also coppies of two several letters written unto him / published by T.W.; T. W.
Thorne George Of Weymouth : A brief relation of the state of man before transgression: : shewing how man transgressed and lost his unity with God, and what the state of man is in the transgression, and how man may be redeemed out of transgression, and restored into unity with God again. Also the state of the true Christians, with the state of the apostates discovered, ... With a word to the gathered people in Melcombe, who are in society with George Thorne, falsly called a minister. Together with some queries propounded unto him, with desire of an answer; as also coppies of two several letters written unto him. / Published by T.W.; T. W.
Thorne History : The history and antiquities of Thorne, with some account of the drainage of Hatfield Chase.
Thorne Moors England Maps : [Thorne Moors] [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, West Riding 266 NE : Lincolnshire, Parts of Lindsey part of 9.]; Great Britain.
Thornhill Richard : The case of Col. Richard Thornhill, showing the true accasion [sic] of his fighting Sir. Cholmley Deering Bar. : and Knight of the Shire for the County of Kent in the present Parliament; whom he kill'd in a duel in Tuttle Fields on Wednesday the 9th of May 1711. Written with his own hand under confinement, at the Gate-House, and inscribed to a member of Parliament.; Thornhill, Richard.