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Tigers Malaya Trengganu : The tigers of Trengganu.; Locke, A.  1954 1
Tighnabruaich Scotland Maps : Tighnabruaich and Kilfinan [cartographic material].; Great Britain.  1982 1
Tigris River Valley Social Life And Customs   2
Tijuana Baja California Mexico Emigration And Immigration : The ties that bind us : Mexican migrants in San Diego County / edited by Richard Kiy & Christopher Woodruff.  c2005 1
Tikal Site Guatemala   4
Tikhon Zadonskii Saint Bishop Of Voronezh 1724 1783 : Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk; inspirer of Dostoevsky.; Gorodetzky, Nadejda.  1976 1
Tikopia Solomon Islands People   2
Tilak Bal Gungadhar : Tilak and Gokhale : revolution and reform in the making of modern India.; Wolpert, Stanley A.,  1961 1
Tilak Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar : Lokamanya Tilak : a biography.; Ram Gopal,  1956 1
Tilapia : Tilapias : biology and exploitation / edited by Malcolm C.M. Beveridge and Brendan J. McAndrew.  c2000 1
Tilberthwaite Fells England Maps : [Cumberland] [cartographic material] : sheet NY 20 SE.; Great Britain.  1956 1
Tilbrook England Maps : Bedfordshire - Cambridgeshire [cartographic material] : sheet TL 06 NE.; Great Britain.  1983 1
Tilburg Cornelius : In Bruges-street in Covent-garden, over-against the Kings-Play-House or Rose-Tavern, where you will see the Kings-Arms hang over the balconey, dwelleth, Cornelius a Tilbourn, : the famous German physitian and operator, sworn chyrugeon to the late King Charles the II. An now priviledg'd by our gracious soveraign King William, who ...; Tilburg, Cornelius.  1700 1
Tilbury England Docks Wharves Etc : Tilbury docks : fact sheet.; Port of London Authority.  1977 1
Tilbury Essex England Maps   3
Tilbury Juxta Clare England Maps : Essex - Suffolk [cartographic material] : sheet TL 74 SE.; Great Britain.  1988 1
Tile Industry England Early Works To 1800 : The case of the manufacturers of English pantiles..  1705? 1
Tile Layers England London Early Works To 1800 : 1570. The book of ordinances belonging to the Company of Tylers and Brick-Layers incorporated within the city of London : vvhich ordinances have been perused, allowed, ratified, and confirmed by the Right Honourable, Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, lord keeper of the Great Seal of England; William Marquess of Winchester, lord high treasurer of England, and Sir Robert Catlyn Knight, lord chief justice of the Kings-Bench, by their writing under their hands and seals, bearing date the fourteenth day of July, in the thirteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth.; Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers, London.  1640 1
Tilenus Daniel 1563 1633 : The examination of Tilenus before the triers; : in order to his intended settlement in the office of a publick preacher in the Common-wealth of Utopia. Whereunto are annexed the tenents of the remonstrants touching those five articles voted, stated and imposed, but not disputed, at the synod of Dort. Together with a short essay (by way of annotations) upon the fundamental theses of Mr. Thomas Parker.; Womock, Laurence,  1658 1
Tilenus Daniel 1563 1633 Doctrine Des Synodes De Dordrecht Et De Al : Arcana dogmatum anti-remonstrantium. Or the Calvinists cabinet unlock'd. : In an apology for Tilenus, against a pretended vindication of the synod of Dort. At the provocation of Master R. Baxter, held forth in the preface to his Grotian religion. Together, with a few soft drops let fall upon the papers of Master Hickman.; Womock, Laurence,  1659 1
Tilenus Daniel 1563 1633 Paraenesis Ad Scotos : Altar of Damascus. Latin; Calderwood, David,  1623 1
Tiles   6
Tiles England History 19th Century   3
Tiles Europe : Fired earth : 1000 years of tiles in Europe : a Scarborough Art Gallery touring exhibition / [editors, Hans van Lemmen and John Malam].  1991 1
Tiles Great Britain : Collecting Victorian tiles.; Lockett, Terence A.  1979 1
Tiles Java : The Vietnamese wall tiles of Majapahit.; Guy, John,    1
Tiles Netherlands : Dutch tiles.; Jonge, Caroline H. de.  1971 1
Tilford England Maps : Surrey [cartographic material] : sheet SU 84 SE.; Great Britain.  1978 1
Tilghman Island Md : Watermen.; Peffer, Randall S.  1979 1
Tilken Balthazar   2
Till Emmett 1941 1955   2
Tillage : Directions left by a gentleman to his sonns : for the improvement of barren and healthy land in England and Wales.; Reeve, Gabriel.  1670 1
Tillage Early Works To 1800 : Certaine easie and profitable points in husbandrie : for the improving and making of ground fertile, for the increasing and preserving of tymber, and for the gathering in of corne, in late and wet harvests.; Shaw, John,  1637 1
Tillage England Early Works To 1800 : Proclamations. 1569-03-01; England and Wales.  1569 1
Tillage England History : Plantations on mediaeval rigg and furr cultivation strips : a study in Scoreby Wood, York East Forest.; Booth, T. C.  1967 1
Tillage Great Britain : By the Queene, a proclamation for maintenaunce of tillage; England and Wales.  1618 1
Tillage Law And Legislation Great Britain : A proclamation for putting in execution the additional act for improvement of tillage / James R.; England and Wales.  1687 1
Tillage Research England Early Works To 1800 : God speede the plough  1601 1
Tillam Thomas : A lash for a lyar. Or A word of warning to all Christians to take heed of Thomas Tillam: : who is now discovered by his preaching and printing, to be a common slanderer of as many as are contrary to his opinions: as it is ready to be proved, provided the hearing be judicial, and the issue recorded / by William Jennison.; Jennison, William,  1658 1
Tillam Thomas Christian Account : Mr. Tillam's account examined. Or, A brief reply to his unchristian account of some passages of Providence : By a friend to truth, and to Mr. Tillam's own soul, if God have not sealed him down under hardness of heart. Written for the sake of such poor honest souls in Colchester, and the parts adjacent, as are misled through his inchantments.; Weld, Thomas,  1657 1
Tillam Thomas Seventh Day Sabbath : An answer to Thomas Tillams book called The seventh-day-sabbath : wherein it is shewed how the Christian sabbath is Christ who is the Lord of the day, who was before any day was made and is the rest for man-servants and maid-servants and strangers, Jewes and Gentiles that believe in him who gives rest unto the creation : and how the Jews sabbath was a day given to them since the fall ... and this sabbath was a shadow and sign of rest to them all ... / by G.F.; Fox, George,  1659 1
Tillam Thomas Seventh Day Sabbath Sought Out And Celebrated : The Jevvs Sabbath antiquated, and the Lords Day instituted by divine authority. Or, The change of the Sabbath from the last to the first day of the week, : asserted and maintained by Scripture-arguments, and testimonies of the best antiquity; with a refutation of sundry objections raised against it. The sum of all comprized in seven positions. / By Edm. Warren minister of the Gospel in Colchester. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy.; Warren, Edmund,  1659 1
Tillett Benjamin : Ben Tillett : portrait of a Labour leader.; Schneer, Jonathan.  1982 1
Tilley Vesta   2
Tillich Paul 1886 1965   22
Tillingham England Maps : Essex [cartographic material] : sheet TL 90 SE.; Great Britain.  1960 1
Tillingham Marshes England Maps   2
Tillinghast Pardon 1622 1718 Water Baptism Plainly Proved By Script : A refutation of three opposers of truth : by plain evidence of the holy Scripture, viz. I. Of Pardon Tillinghast, who pleadeth for water-baptism, its being a Gospel-precept, and opposeth Christ within, as a false Christ. To which is added, something concerning the Supper, &c. II. Of B. Keech, in his book called, A tutor for children, where he disputeth against the sufficiency of the light within, in order of salvation; and calleth Christ in the heart, a false Christ in the secret chamber. II. Of Cotton Mather, who in his appendix to his book, called, Memorable providences, relating to witchcrafts, &c. doth so weakly defend his father Increase Mather from being justly chargeable with abusing the honest people called Quakers, that he doth the more lay open his fathers nakedness; and beside the abuses and injuries that his father had cast upon that people, C. Mather, the son, addeth new abuses of his own. And a few words of a letter to John Cotton, called a minister, at Plymouth in New England. By George Keith.; Keith, George,  1690 1
Tillington Sussex England Maps : Sussex [cartographic material] : sheet SU 92 SE.; Great Britain.  1961 1
Tillion Germaine 1907 2008 : Combats de guerre et de paix.; Tillion, Germaine,  2007 1
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