United Steel Companies : Capital development in steel : a study of the United Steel Companies Ltd. / by P.W.S. Andrews and E. Brunner.; Andrews, Philip Walter Sawford.
United Towing : United Towing, 1920-90 : a history / compiled by A. Ford ; edited, with fleet list by A.G. Credland.; Ford, Alan.
Unitized Cargo Systems Management : Container port production and economic efficiency / Tengfei Wang, Kevin Cullinane and Dong-Wook Song.; Wang, Teng-Fei.
Units : Quantification in science : the VNR dictionary of engineering units and measures.; Melaragno, Michele G.
Units Dictionaries : A dictionary of weights, measures, and units / Donald Fenna.; Fenna, Donald,
Unity Sloop : The Unity of Barmouth.; Lloyd, Lewis,
Unity Theatre Group History : The story of Unity Theatre [videorecording] : the theatre of the labour and trade union movement / produced and edited by Paul Burgess.
Universal Bibliography : Catalogus universalis librorum, in omni facultate, linguaque insignium, & rarissimorum : non solum ex catalogis bibliothecarum Bodleianæ, Lugduno-Batavæ, Ultrajectinæ, Barberinæ, Thuanæ, Cordesianæ, Tellerianæ, Slusianæ, & Heinsianæ, sed etiam ex omnibus fere aliis prælo impressis magno labore & sumptu in usum studiosorum collectus.; Hartley, John,
Universal Design Great Britain : Inclusive design : designing and developing accessible environments / Rob Imrie and Peter Hall.; Imrie, Robert,
Universalists Apologetic Works Early Works To 1800 : Truths testimony; : and a testimony of truths appearing, in power, life, light & glory; creating, manifesting, increasing and vindicating it self in the midst of persecution. Wherein is discovered what truth is, and also a lye, who knows it, and lives in it. With the authors call and conversion to the truth, his practice in it, his publishing of it, and his several tryals for the same: Viz. 1. Before Baron Wilde at Worcester. 2. Before Judge Nicholas at Worcester. 3. Before Serjeant Green at Oxford. 4. Before Serjeant Hutton at Oxford. 5. Before Serjeant Glyn at Glocester. Together with the particular accusations brought against him in each tryal, and his answers to the same. As also the courts proceedings both by judges and juries. With an humble appeal to his highness, Oliver Lord Protector, as a general redress for all people. / By Richard Coppin.; Coppin, Richard,
Universalists Great Britain Biography : Shepherd Smith, the universalist : the story of a mind : being a life of the Rev. James E. Smith.; Smith, William Anderson.
Universe : Catalogue of the universe / by Paul Murdin and David Allen, with original photographs by David Malin.; Murdin, Paul.
Universita Degli Studi Di Bologna : L'universite de Bologne et la penetration des droits romain et canonique en Suisse aux XIIIe et XIVe siecles.; Stelling-Michaud, Sven.
Universita Di Firenze : Florence and its university during the early Renaissance.; Davies, Jonathan,
Universitat Gottingen Bibliothek Manuscripts Cod Ms Hist 809 : History of the Incas / by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa ; and The execution of the Inca Tupac Amaru, by Baltasar de Ocampo. Translated and edited with notes and an introduction by Sir Clements Markham.; Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro,
Universitat Helmstedt : Empowerment and representation at the university in early modern Germany : Helmstedt and Würzburg, 1576-1634 / Richard Kirwan.; Kirwan, Richard.