Verstegan Richard Approximately 1550 1640 Toung Combat Lately Happe : A tongue-combat : lately happening betvveene tvvo English souldiers in the tilt-boat of Grauesend, the one going to serue the King of Spaine, the other to serue the States Generall of the Vnited Provinces. Wherein the cause, course, and continuance of those warres, is debated, and declared.; Hexham, Henry,
Vertebrates Behavior : Social behaviour in animals with special reference to vertebrates / N. Tinbergen.; Tinbergen, Niko,
Vertebrates Development : Bones : a study of the development and structure of the vertebrate skeleton / by P.D.F. Murray ; with an introduction by B.K. Hall.; Murray, Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald.
Vertebrates Digestive Organs : Feeding : form, function, and evolution in tetrapod vertebrates / edited by Kurt Schwenk.
Vertebrates Ecology : Vertebrate ecophysiology : an introduction to its principles and applications / Don Bradshaw.; Bradshaw, S. D.
Vertebrates Evolution Pictorial Works : Evolution (in action) : natural history through spectacular skeletons / text by Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu ; photographs by Patrick Gries.; Panafieu, Jean-Baptiste de.
Vertebrates Food : Feeding : form, function, and evolution in tetrapod vertebrates / edited by Kurt Schwenk.
Verwood England Maps : Dorset [cartographic material] : sheet SU 00 NE.; Great Britain.
Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Lines : ADSL/VDSL principles : a practical and precise study of asymmetric digital subscriber lines and very high speed digital subscriber lines / Dennis J. Rauschmayer.; Rauschmayer, Dennis J.,
Vesling Johann 1598 1649 Syntagma Anatomicum : Opuscula anatomica nova : quæ nunc primùm in lucem prodeunt : instauratio magna physicæ & medicinæ per novam doctrinam de motu circulatorio sanguinis in corde : accessere notæ in Joannis Wallæi duas Epistolas de circulatione sanguinis / authore Joanne Riolano ... ; ējusdem animadversiones in Historiam anatomicam Andreæ Laurentii, in Theatrum anatomicum Caspari Bauchini, in Librum anatomicum de fabrica humana Andreæ Spigelii, ad Institutiones anatomicas Caspari Bartholini, ad Anatomica Caspari Hofmanni, in Syntagma anatomicum Joannis Veslingii, in Tractatum de diaphragmate Æmilii Parisani ; de monstro nato Lutetiæ, liber jampridem editus.; Riolan, Jean,