Visitation Sermons England Early Works To 1800 : Speech delivered at a visitation held in the Diocese of Clogher; : sede vacante. September 27. 1671 / by D.L. ; published not only at the desire and instance of the whole clergy of that diocese, but also at the further instance of the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert, Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh, expressed in his letter thereunto prefixed. Together with an epitaph written by his lordship, on John, Lord Bishop of Clogher, deceased.; Loftus, Dudley,
Visitation Sermons Ireland : A sermon preached at the primary visitation of the Most Reverend Father in God Michael Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland, and lord high chancellor of the same. : Held at Drogheda, August 20. 1679. / by Rich. Tenison ...; Tenison, Richard,
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Bedford : Articles to be enquired of, and answered unto by the church-wardens and sworn-men in the visitation of the Right Worshipful the Arch-Deacon of Bedford, an. Dom. 1667; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Berkshire Early Works To 1800 : Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical, : exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the arch-deaconry of Berks. : At the visitation of the Right Worshipfull Peter Mews, Doctor of Lawes, and archdeacon of Berks. Holden in the year of our Lord God 1667.; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Derbyshire Early Works To 1800 : Articles to be considered of by the churchwardens and others within the archdeaconry of Derby. : In the visitation archdiaconall [sic] of Derbyshire, Anno S[anc]tis. 1641 ...; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Early Work To 1800 : Articles to be inquired of by the church-wardens and sworne-men, in the ordinarie visitation of Lancelot Lord Bishop of Elie, : within the Diocesse of Elie, Ann. 1610.; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Ely Early Works To 1800 : Articles of enquiry, (with some directions intermingled) for the diœcese of Ely : in the second visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God, Matthew, Lord Bishop of that diœcese, anno Dom. 1665.; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Hereford Early Works To 1800 : Articles of enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical. : Exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the [archdeaconry] of [Hereford] in the visitation of the Reverend [Dr. Wm. Johnson Archdeacon there]; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Lichfield Diocese Early Works To 180 : Oratio doctissima et gravissima, a Reverendo Christo Patre Guilielmo Overtono Lichfieldiensi Episcopo habita, in domi ibidem capitulari, ad præbendarios, & reliquum clerum in visitatione ecclesiæ suæ cathedralis congregatum, Ann. Dom. 1600; Overton, William,
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Peterborough Early Works To 1800 : Articles of visitation & enquiry, concerning matters ecclesiastical : exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men of every parish within the Diocese of Peterborough : in the primary episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God Joseph by divine permission Lord Bishop of Peterborough.; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical England Shropshire : Articles of instruction for enquiry, exhibited to the church-wardens and side-men within the peculiar jurisdiction of the King's Free Chappel of S. Maires in Salop.; Church of England.
Visitations Ecclesiastical Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : Two letters written by Mr Harris : in vindication of himselfe from the known slanders of an unknown author. To my reverend friend M. Harris. Sir, it will not (I hope) offend you to see your private letters made publique, it concernes you, and others, to vindicate your selves in the catching age, and the sooner 'tis done the better, chide me if you will, yet I will be yours still, W.T. May 2. 1648.; Harris, Robert,
Visitations Ecclesiastical Ireland Derry : Acts of Archbishop Colton in his metropolitan visitation of the Diocese of Derry, A.D. 1397 / with an introduction and notes by W. Reeves.; Colton, John,
Visitations Heraldic England Cheshire : The visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D.1533 / edited by William Langton.; Lancashire.
Visitations Sermons Early Works To 1800 : Oratio doctissima et gravissima, a Reverendo Christo Patre Guilielmo Overtono Lichfieldiensi Episcopo habita, in domi ibidem capitulari, ad præbendarios, & reliquum clerum in visitatione ecclesiæ suæ cathedralis congregatum, Ann. Dom. 1600; Overton, William,
Visiting Nurses Great Britain Discipline : Professional discipline in nursing, midwifery, and health visiting : including a treatise on professional regulation.; Pyne, Reginald H.
Visiting Nurses Standards Great Britain : The future of professional regulation : submission of the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting to the Government's review of the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act (1997).; United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting.
Visiting Nurses Training Of Great Britain : Position statement on clinical supervision for nursing and health visiting.; United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting.