Wages Tin Miners England : The Case of the stanneries stated : with the grounds and reasons of their petition to the honourable House of Parliament, together with the answers to severall objections that are usually made against them, humbly proposed.
Wages Wales Early Works To 1800 : The seuerall rates and taxations for vvages, made and set foorth by the iustices of peace, for the countie of Cardigan. : Where in the Parliament holden at Westminster the xii. day of Januarie, in the fift yeere of the reigne of our soueraigne Lady the Queenes Maiesty ...; England and Wales.
Wages Women Asia Case Studies : Women workers in industrialising Asia : costed, not valued / edited by Amarjit Kaur.
Wages Women European Union Countries : The gender pay gap and social partnership in Europe : findings from "Close the deal, fill the gap" / edited by Hazel Conley [and four others].
Wages Women Great Briain Longitudinal Studies : Unequal pay for women and men : evidence from the British birth cohort studies / Heather Joshi and Pierella Paci, with Gerald Makepeace and Jane Waldfogel.; Joshi, Heather.
Wages Women Italy : Unpaid work and the economy : a gender analysis of the standards of living / edited by Antonella Picchio.
Wages Women United States : The New York Wages for Housework Committee, 1972-1977 : history, theory and documents / compiled and edited by Silvia Federici & Arlen Austin.
Waghenaer Lucas Janszoon : Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer van Enckhuysen : de maritieme cartografie in de Nederlanden in de zestiende en het begin van de zeventiende eeuw.
Wagner Bruce 1954 : Politics, desire, and the Hollywood novel / Chip Rhodes.; Rhodes, Chip.
Wagner Cosima : Richard and Cosima Wagner : biography of a marriage.; Skelton, Geoffrey.
Wagram Battle Of 1809 : Napoleon's last victory and the emergence of modern war.; Epstein, Robert M.
Wagstaff Mr : Alter amyntor:, or, The case fairly stated between King Charles I. and Dr. Gauden Mr. Wagstaff and Mr. Toland, touching icon basilike. With short notes.
Wainwright Chris Exhibitions : Co-incidence : Derek Sprawson and Chris Wainwright : [catalogue of an exhibition at the Djanogly Art Gallery, 4 May - 9 June 1996] / by N. Alfrey.