West Alice : The seuerall notorious and levvd cousnages of Iohn VVest, and Alice VVest, falsely called the King and Queene of Fayries : Practised very lately both in this citie, and many places neere adioyning, to the impouerishing of many simple people, as well men as women: who were arraigned and conuicted for the same, at the Sessions House in the Old Bayly, the 14. of Ianuarie, this present yeare, 1613.
West Angle Bay Wales Maps : Pembrokeshire [cartographic material] : sheet SM 80 SW & part of SM 70 SE.; Great Britain.
West Ann : A true relation of the araignment of thirty witches at Chensford [sic] in Essex, : before Iudge Coniers, fourteene whereof were hanged on Friday last, Iuly 25. 1645. there being at this time a hundred more in severall prisons in Suffolke and Essex. Setting forth the confessions of the principall of them. Also shewing how the divell had carnall copulation with Rebecca West, a young maid, daughter to one Ann West. And how they bewitched men, women, children, and cattell to death: with many other strange things, the like was never heard of before.
West Ashby England Maps : [Lincolnshire] [cartographic material] : sheet TF 27 SE.; Great Britain.
West Bank History : Cursed victory : a history of Israel and the Occupied Territories / Ahron Bregman.; Bregman, Ahron.
West Bank International Status : Track-two diplomacy toward an Israeli-Palestinian solution, 1978-2014 / Yair Hirschfeld.; Hirschfeld, Yair P.,
West Bank Politics And Government : The Israeli settler movement : assessing and explaining social movement success / Sivan Hirsch-Hoefler, Cas Muddle.; Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan,