Whitfield Henry 1597 1660 : Autokatakrisis, or, Self-condemnation, : exemplified in Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Barlee, and Mr. Hickman. With occasional reflexions on Mr Calvin, Mr Beza, Mr Zuinglius, Mr Piscator, Mr Rivet, and Mr Rollock: but more especially on Doctor Twisse, and Master Hobbs; against whom, God's purity and his præscience ... with the sincere intention and the general extent of the death of Christ, are finally cleared and made good; and the adversaries absurdities ... are proved against them undeniably, out of their own hand-writings. With an additional advertisement of Mr Baxter's late book entituled The Groatian religion discovered, &c. / By Thomas Pierce rector of Brington in Northampon-shire.; Pierce, Thomas,
Whitfield Thomas Scrivener : An Account of the proceedings at the Sessions for the City of Westminster against Thomas Whitfield, scrivener, John Smallbones, woodmonger, and William Laud, painter : for tearing a petition prepared to be presented to the Kings Majestie, for the sitting of the Parliament : with an account of the said petition presented on the 13th instant, and His Majesties gracious answer.
Whiting John : About the 7th of March 1655, Master Whiting and Master Spelman came to Richard Hodgkinsonne to treat about the printing of Judge Crookes (or Sir George Crookes) reports
Whiting John Bookseller : About the 7th of March 1655. Master Whiting and Master Spelman came to Richard Hodgkinsonne to treat about the printing of Judge Crookes or Sir George Crookes reports : desiring the said Hodg. to tell him truly and conscienciously, what he would print it for by the sheete and finde paper? ...
Whiting Mary 1654 1676 : Early piety exemplified in the life and death of Mary Whiting : a faithful handmaid of the Lord, who departed this life in the 22th year of her age / written by her brother, John Whiting ; with two of her epistles to friends.; Whiting, John,
Whitlock William Sir : A Letter concerning Sir William Whitlock's bill for the trials in cases of treason : written Oct. 1693 upon the request of a friend who is an honest member of the House of Commons, and now committed to the press upon the solicitation of several who think it may be of publick use to let it come abroad before the next meeting of the Parliament.; H. N.
Whitney Museum Of American Art : Twentieth-century drawings : selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art / selected and with commentary by Paul Cummings.