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Mark   Year Entries
371.395 Sch : Group processes in the classroom / Richard A. Schmuck, Patricia A. Schmuck.; Schmuck, Richard A.,  c2001 1
371.3950973 Coh   2
371.396 Gib : 53 interesting things to do in your lectures / G. Gibbs, S. Habeshaw, T. Habeshaw.; Gibbs, Graham,  1992 1
371.397 Arm : The simulation and gaming yearbook volume 2 : interactive learning.  1994 1
371.4 Ril : Working with disaffected students : why students lose interest in school and what we can do about it / Kathryn A. Riley and Elle Rustique-Forrester with Mary Fuller ... [et al.].; Riley, Kathryn A.  2002 1
371.422 Hol : Teachers as counsellors.; Holden, Alick.  1969 1
371.46 Dur : Creative strategies for school problems : solutions for psychologists and teachers / Michael Durrant.; Durrant, Michael.  c1995 1
371.46 Skl : Brief counseling that works : a solution-focused approach for school counselors and administrators / Gerald B. Sklare.; Sklare, Gerald B.  2005 1
371.5 Bla : Playtime in the primary school : problems and improvements.    1
371.5 Byb : Violence, values, and justice in the schools.; Bybee, Rodger W.  1982 1
371.5 Cle : Discipline and morale in school and college : a study of group feeling.; Cleugh, Mary Frances.  1971 1
371.5 Cum : Making the change : a study of the process of the abolition of corporal punishment.; Cumming, C E.  1981 1
371.5 Doc : Control and discipline in schools : perspectives and approaches.; Docking, Jim,  1980 1
371.5 Har : Deviance in classrooms / David H. Hargreaves, Stephen K. Hester, Frank J. Mellor.; Hargreaves, David H.  1975 1
371.5 Jen : Discipline in primary and secondary schools today / edited by Arthur Jennings.  1979 1
371.5 Lan : The impossible child.; Lane, David A.,  1990 1
371.5 Llo : Disrupted schooling : the growth of the special unit.  1984 1
371.5 Par : Sparing the rod : schools, discipline and children's rights.; Parker-Jenkins, Marie.  1999 1
371.5 Sch : Schooling the violent imagination.; Schostak, John F.  1986 1
371.5 Smi : Can schools get beyond discipline? / written by Ian Smith.; Smith, Ian,  c2003 1
371.5 Sto : Managing difficult children in school.; Stone, Lyndsey.  1990 1
371.5 Tat : Disruptive pupils in schools and units.; Tattum, Delwyn P.  1982 1
371.52 Bar : Disaffection from school? : the early years / edited by Gill Barrett.  1989 1
371.52 Bla : School phobia and its treatment.; Blagg, Nigel.  1987 1
371.543089 Bla : Why pick on me? : school exclusion and black youth.; Blair, Maud.  2000 1
371.5430941 Bly : Exclusion from school : inter-professional issues for policy and practice / edited by Eric Blyth and Judith Milner.  1996 1
371.5430941 Kin : Raising behaviour.  1999 1
371.5430942 Kin : Exclusion : who needs it? / by Kay Kinder, Anne Wilkin, Alison Wakefield.; Kinder, Kay,  1997 1
371.57 Edw : Talking about bullying / Nicola Edwards.; Edwards, Nicola.  2003 1
371.58 Bes : Bullies and victims in schools : a guide to understanding and management.; Besag, Valerie E.  1989 1
371.58 Bod : It's always me they're after / Ann de Bode and Rien Broere ; [English text by Su Swallow].; Bode, Ann de.  1997 1
371.58 Bou : Bullying and conflict / by Jane Bourke.; Bourke, Jane.  c2010 1
371.58 Joh : How do I feel about bullies and gangs.; Johnson, Julie.  1996 1
371.58 Laf : Bullying : the child's view : an analysis of telephone calls to ChildLine about bullying / Jean La Fontaine.; La Fontaine, J. S.  1991 1
371.58 Mos : Helping children deal with bullying / Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet.; Mosley, Jenny.  2006 1
371.58 Mun : Bullying : an international perspective / edited by Elaine Munthe and Erling Roland.  1989 1
371.58 Omo : Dealing with bullying in schools : a training manual for teachers, parents and other professionals / Mona O'Moore and Stephen James Minton.; O'Moore, Mona.  2004 1
371.58 Per : Understanding bullying : supporting children who are bullied and challenging those who bully, using stories to develop empathy, self esteem and communication skills.    1
371.58 Riv : Bullying : a handbook for educators and parents / Ian Rivers, Neil Duncan, and Valerie E. Besag.; Rivers, Ian,  2009 1
371.58 Sha : Tackling Bullying in Your School : Practical Handbook for Teachers / edited by Peter K. Smith and Sonia Sharp.  1994 1
371.58 Tho : Stop picking on me : a first look at bullying / Pat Thomas, illustrated by Lesley Harker.; Thomas, Pat,  2000 1
371.61 Dep   2
371.61 Lad : Planning for play.; Allen of Hurtwood,  1968 1
371.61 Pla : Make way for children's play : a discussion document on a play policy for the future.; Play Board.  1985 1
371.61 Tit : Play, playtime and playgrounds : key issues for teachers, supervisors and governors of primary schools.; Titman, W.  1992 1
371.61 Wil : Innovation in play environments.  1980 1
371.71 Dep : Safety in practical studies : art, craft, design and technology, home economics, dress and textiles, music, rural science.; Great Britain.  1981 1
371.71 Hea : The responsibilities of school governors for health and safety.; Great Britain.  1992 1
371.71 Her : Outdoor education : guidelines for good practice.; Hereford and Worcester County Council.  1990 1
371.71 Nat : Organisation of outdoor studies and visits.; National Association for Environmental Education.  1988 1
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