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Mark   Year Entries
595.7 Ole : Bumblebee.; Olesen, Jens.  1988 1
595.7 Par : Insects.; Parker, S.  1993 1
595.7 Ped : Entomology and pest management.; Pedigo, Larry P.  1989 1
595.7 Ram : The caterpillar story / Alex Ramsay and Paul Humphrey ; illustrated by Katy Sleight.; Ramsay, Alex.  1993 1
595.7 Rid   4
595.7 Roy   2
595.7 Sam : Insect conservation biology.; Samways, Michael J.  1994 1
595.7 Sne : What is an insect?; photographs by Oxford Scientific Films.; Snedden, Robert.  1992 1
595.7 Spi : Life in a colony : ants / Richard and Louise Spilsbury.; Spilsbury, Richard,  c2003 1
595.7 Sti : Amazing butterflies and moths.; Still, John.  1991 1
595.7 Tay : Insects and other minibeasts.; Taylor, Barbara,  2002 1
595.7 The : Insects.; Theodorou, Rod.  2000 1
595.7 Tho : Insects.; Thomson, R.  1994 1
595.7 Wig : The life of insects.; Wigglesworth, V B.  1964 1
595.703 Oto   2
595.705 Var : Insect population ecology : an analytical approach.; Varley, Cg.  1973 1
595.7094 Ols : Small woodland creatures / Lars-Henrik Olsen, Jakob Sunesen, Bente Vita Pedersen ; translated by Network Communications ; and edited by Martin Walters.; Olsen, Lars-Henrik,  2001 1
595.70941 Bri : British insects.    1
595.7138 Sim   2
595.7138 Til : Specialization, speciation, and radiation : the evolutionary biology of herbivorous insects / edited by Kelley Jean Tilmon.  c2008 1
595.7147 Eis : Secret weapons : defenses of insects, spiders, scorpions, and other many-legged creatures / Thomas Eisner, Maria Eisner, Melody Siegler.; Eisner, Thomas,  2005 1
595.7156 Pam : Evolution of social insect colonies : sex allocation and kin selection.; Pamilo, Pekka.  1996 1
595.717 Sch : Insect ecology : an ecosystem approach / edited by Timothy D. Schowalter.  2000 1
595.71785 Sch : Insect-plant biology / Louis M. Schoonhaven, Joop J.A. van Loon, Marcel Dicke.; Schoonhoven, L. M.  2005 1
595.72 Bar : The locust : a guide for laboratory practical work.; Barrass, Robert.  1964 1
595.7260941 Mar : Grasshoppers and allied insects of Great Britain and Ireland / Judith A. Marshall and E. C. M. Haes.; Marshall, Judith A.  1990 1
595.733 Gib : Dragonflies and damselflies of Britain and Northern Europe.; Gibbons, Bob.  1986 1
595.733 Stp : Dragonfly.; St. Pierre, Stephanie.  2001 1
595.733094 Ask : The dragonflies of Europe.; Askew, R R.  1988 1
595.7330941 Kir : A review of the scarcer Neuroptera of Great Britain.; Kirby, P.  1991 1
595.7330941 Pow : A guide to the dragonflies of Great Britain.; Powell, Dan.  1999 1
595.7340941 Bra : A review of the scarcer Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of Great Britain.; Bratton, John H.  1990 1
595.739 Stp : Earwigs.; St Pierre, Stephanie.  2001 1
595.7450941 Wal : A review of the Trichoptera of Great Britain.; Wallace, I.D.  1991 1
595.76 For : Ground beetles.; Forsythe, Trevor G.  2000 1
595.76 Hic : Longhorn beetles of the British Isles.; Hickin, Norman Ernest.  1987 1
595.760941 Fri : A key to the adults of British water beetles.; Friday, Laurie.  1988 1
595.7620941 Fos : Classification and ranking of water beetle communities / by G.N. Foster & M.D. Eyre.; Foster, G. N.,  1992 1
595.769 Har : Ladybird / Karen Hartley and Chris Macro.  1998 1
595.769 Wat : Ladybird.; Watts, Barrie.  1999 1
595.770941 Fal : A review of the scarce and threatened flies of Great Britain (part 1).; Falk, Steven J.  1991 1
595.774 Sho : Drosophila.; Shorrocks, Bryan,  1972 1
595.78 But : Butterflies and moths.  1973 1
595.78 Fow : The moths of Ceredigion.; Fowles, A. P.  1988 1
595.78 Nat : A review of the scarce and threatened ethmiine, stathmopodine and gelechiid moths of Great Britain.; Parsons, M. S.  1995 1
595.78 Pol : Monitoring the abundance of butterflies, 1976-1985.; Pollard, E.  1986 1
595.78 Sco : The lepidoptera : form, function, and diversity.; Scoble, Malcolm J.,  1992 1
595.78 Ter : The life cycle of a butterfly.; Terry, T.  1988 1
595.78 Wat : Butterfly and caterpillar.; Watts, Barrie.  1985 1
595.780941 Par : A review of the scarce and threatened pyralid moths of Great Britain / by M. S. Parsons.; Parsons, M. S.  1993 1
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