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597.138 Koc : Molecular systematics of fishes / edited by Thomas D. Kocher, Carol A. Stepien.  c1997 1
597.146 Kra : Female mate choice : in Aidablennius sphynx : a fish with paternal care for eggs in a nest.; Kraak, Sarah B M.    1
597.1513 Bro : Fish cognition and behavior / edited by Culum Brown, Kevin Laland, Jens Krause.  2006 1
597.176 Gid : Community ecology of stream fishes : concepts, approaches, and techniques : proceedings of the symposium "Community Ecology of Stream Fishes - Concepts, Approaches, and Techniques", held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 19-20 August 2008 / edited by Keith B. Gido, Donald A. Jackson.  2010 1
597.17699 Hor : Intertidal fishes : life in two worlds / edited by Michael H. Horn, Karen L.M. Martin, Michael A. Chotkowski.  1999 1
597.17789 But : The secret life of fishes : from angels to zebras on the coral reef.; Buttfield, Helen.  2000 1
597.17789 Hum   2
597.17789 Lie : Coral reef fishes : Indo-Pacific and Caribbean / Ewald Lieske, Robert Myers.; Lieske, Ewald.  2001 1
597.1788011 Qui : Quantitative fish dynamics / Terrance J. Quinn II, Richard B. Deriso.; Quinn, Terrance J.  1999 1
597.3 Spi : Shark / Louise Spilsbury.; Spilsbury, Louise.  2011 1
597.53 Bel : The evolutionary biology of the threespine stickleback / edited by Michael A. Bell and Susan A. Foster.  1994 1
597.56 Nai : The impact of land use on Salmonids : a study of the River Torridge catchment.; Naismith, I.  1996 1
597.6 Bac : Tadpole and frog.; Back, Christine.  1998 1
597.633 Chi : Population genetics of cod (Gadus morhua (L.)), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.)), whiting (Merlangius merlangus (L.)) and saithe (Pollachius virens (L.)).; Child, a R.  1988 1
597.694 Mod : Growth and mortality of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) along the Swedish Skagerrak coast.; Modin, Johan.  2000 1
597.80941 Joi : A framework for the conservation of amphibians and reptiles in the UK : 1994-1999.; Joint Nature Conservation Committee (Great Britain)    1
597.80941 Smi : The British amphibians and reptiles.; Smith, Malcolm,  1964 1
597.89 Roy : Life cycle of a frog.; Royston, Angela,  2000 1
597.89 Tay : Frogs and snakes and their relatives.; Taylor, Barbara,  2002 1
597.9 Clo : The diversity of amphibians and reptiles : an introduction.; Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L.,  1999 1
597.92 Har : Turtles : perspectives and research / Marion Harless, Henry Morlock.; Harless, Marion.  1979 1
597.963 Sch : Biology of the vipers / editors, Gordon W. Schuett ... [et al.] ; foreword by Jonathan A. Campbell, Edmund D. Brodie, Jr.; Biology of the Vipers Conference :  2002 1
597.98 Rob : Crocodile.; Robinson, Claire.  2000 1
598 All : The book of bird life : a study of birds in their native haunts.; Allen, Arthur A.  1961 1
598 Arl : Bird : discovery starts with a single word.; Arlon, Penelope.  2006 1
598 Att : The life of birds.  1998 1
598 Bir : Birds [object] : finger puppet set.    1
598 Cod : Habitat selection in birds / edited by Martin L. Cody.  1985 1
598 Cra - Vol. 1 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 2 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 3 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 4 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 5 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 6 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 7 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 8 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Cra - Vol. 9 : Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic / Stanley Cramp, chief editor.  c1977 1
598 Eng : Land management for upland birds.; English Nature (Agency)  1996 1
598 Goo : Field guide to the birds of Britain and Europe.; Gooders, John.  1995 1
598 Lac : Birds on lowland farms.; Lack, Peter.  1992 1
598 Mea : The state of the nation's birds.; Mead, Chris.  2000 1
598 Nic : Birds and men : the bird life of British towns, villages, gardens and farmland.; Nicholson, E M.  1951 1
598 Odd : Bird in the nest.; Oddie, Bill.  1995 1
598 Sop : The new bird table book.; Soper, Tony.  1973 1
598 Tin : Bird life.; Tinbergen, Niko,  1954 1
598 Vic : Ecology and conservation of grassland birds of the Western Hemisphere : proceedings of a conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 1995 / Peter D. Vickery and James R. Herkert, editors.  1999 1
598 Wel : The life of birds.; Welty, Joel Carl.  1964 1
598.072 Per : Birds.; Perrins, Christopher M.  1974 1
598.0723 Bib : Bird surveys : expedition field techniques / Colin Bibby, Martin Jones and Stuart Marsden.; Bibby, C. J.  1998 1
598.0723 Kni : Bird gardening : how to attract birds.; Knight, Maxwell.  1954 1
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