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782.3232 Vic : Tenebrae responsories [sound recording].; Victoria, Tomas Luis De.  1990 1
782.3238 Bri : War Requiem [sound recording].; Britten, Benjamin,  1991 1
782.3238 Car : Requiem [sound recording].; Cardoso, Frei Manuel.  1990 1
782.3238 Lob : Portugese requiem masses [sound recording].; Lobo, Duarte.  1993 1
782.324 Rac : Vsenoshchnoe bdenie; Rachmaninoff, Sergei,  p1989 1
782.4 Bra : Lieder [sound recording].; Brahms, Johannes,  1993 1
782.4 Fre : French songs [sound recording] : vol. one.  1987 1
782.4 Mah : Lieder [sound recording] / Gustav Mahler.; Mahler, Gustav,  1990 1
782.4 Pur : Songs and airs [sound recording].; Purcell, Henry,  1983 1
782.4 Wol : Spanisches liederbuch [sound recording].; Wolf, Hugo,  1967 1
782.42 Ame : The Usborne children's songbook.; Amery, Heather.  1988 1
782.42 Bee : 5 Goethe-Lieder [sound recording].; Beethoven, Ludwig van,  1993 1
782.42 Ber : Irving Berlin [sound recording] : anthology.; Berlin, Irving,  1993 1
782.42 Bra : The green umbrella : stories, songs, poems and starting points for environmental assemblies.; Brand, Jill.  1991 1
782.42 Bre : The Brecht-Eisler song book : forty-two songs in German and English / edited, with singable English translations and introductory notes by Eric Bentley.; Brecht, Bertolt,  1967 1
782.42 Nic : Bobby Shaftoe, clap your hands : musical fun with new songs from old favourites.; Nicholls, Sue,  1992 1
782.42 Por : Ridin' high [sound recording] : Cole Porter in the 1930s : disc 3 1936-1939.; Porter, Cole  1993 1
782.42 Ric : Melody and harmony in contemporary songwriting / Daniel A. Ricigliano.; Ricigliano, Daniel A.  c1978 1
782.42 Sch   6
782.42 Seb : The music funshop : 31 songs with activities for 3-11 year olds.; Sebba, Jane.  1995 1
782.42 Uma : Three singing pigs : making music with traditional stories.; Umansky, Kaye.  1994 1
782.42 Wei : Creating melodies : a songwriter's guide to understanding, writing, and polishing melodies.; Weissman, Dick.  1994 1
782.42 Wil : Songs of travel [sound recording] : and other works.; Vaughan Williams, Ralph,  1993 1
782.420941 Sco : The singing bourgeois : songs of the Victorian drawing room and parlour / Derek B. Scott.; Scott, Derek B.  c2001 1
782.4209428 Ath : Northern songs.; Athol, David.  1996 1
782.420973 Wil : American popular song : the great innovators, 1900 - 1950.; Wilder, Alec.  1972 1
782.421640922 Bra : Georges Brassens and Jaques Brel : personal and social narratives in post-war chanson / Chris Tinker.; Tinker, Chris.  2005 1
782.421640944 Jam : French connections : from discothèque to discovery / Martin James.; James, Martin  c2003 1
782.421642082 Wol : The women of country music : a reader / edited by Charles K. Wolfe and James E. Akenson.  2003 1
782.4216490944 Dur : Black, blanc, beur : rap music and hip-hop culture in the francophone world / edited by Alain-Philippe Durand.  2002 1
782.42166 Giu : Two of us : John Lennon & Paul McCartney behind the myth.; Giuliano, Geoffrey.  1999 1
782.421660922 Bow : This must be the place : the adventures of Talking Heads in the twentieth century.; Bowman, David,  2001 1
782.42166092243 Fau : Faust : stretch out time, 1970-1975 / Andy Wilson.; Wilson, Andy,  2006 1
782.42168 Voi : The voice of the night [sound recording] : lieder with guitar.  1994 1
782.42168092 Por : An analytical study of the songs of Cole Porter (1891-1964).; Dawes, Fay Elisabeth.  1991 1
782.42168092 Sch : The Schubert song companion / John Reed ; with prose translations by Norma Deane and Celia Larner ; and a foreword by Dame Janet Baker.; Reed, John,  c1997 1
782.43 Der : Il quinto libro di madrigali - 1568 [sound recording].; De Rore, Cipriano.  1993 1
782.43 Eng : English madrigals and songs [sound recording].  1996 1
782.43 Flo : Flora gave me fairest flowers [sound recording] : English madrigals / sung by members of the Cambridge Singers.  1987 1
782.43 Fre : French chansons [sound recording].  1994 1
782.43 Ges : Madrigals and motets from Renaissance Naples [sound recording].; Gesualdo, Carlo,  1982 1
782.43 Gib : The silver swan [sound recording] : English madrigals : and other works.; Gibbons, Orlando,  1982 1
782.43 Mar : Madrigaux a 5 et 6 voix [sound recording].; Marenzio, Luca.  1988 1
782.43 Mon   3
782.43 Wal : Facade [sound recording] : an entertainment : and other works.; Walton, William,  1990 1
782.430216 Lin : The Italian madrigal and related repertories : indexes to printed collections, 1500-1600.; Lincoln, Hb.  1988 1
782.47 Sch   3
782.5 Bax : Sacred choral music [sound recording].  1995 1
782.5 Ber : Laborintus 2 [sound recording] / Luciano Berio.; Berio, Luciano,  1987 1
782.5 Bra : Works. Selections; Brahms, Johannes,  1993 1
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