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An acte agaynst the excessiue takynge of the Kynge and the Queenes Maiesties purueyours : England and Wales.  1555 1
Ane acte anent the registring of saisings, reversiones, and some vther writtes, for the better tryal : Scotland.  1599 1
Acte concerning the Kinges moost gratious generall pardon. : England and Wales.  1548 1
Acte concerning the kinges moost gratiovs generall pardon : England and Wales.  1549 1
Acte concerninge that no person or persons straungers, beyng a common baker, bruer, surgeon, or scri : England and Wales.  1544 1
Acte concerninge the Kinges gracious and free pardon for his spirituall subiectes within the prouinc : England and Wales.  1562? 1
An acte concernyng the citee of Chester, for weares in the riuer of Dee : the xxv. chapiter. : England and Wales.  1549 1
Acte concernyng the hygh wayes in the welde of Kent. : England and Wales.  1524 1
The acte concernyng the subsidie graunted of the temporaltie : England and Wales.  1546 1
Acte concernynge Englyshmen beynge sworne to forren prynces. : England and Wales.  1524 1
Acte concernynge phisycions. : England and Wales.  1524 1
Acte concernynge the Kynges gratious and free pardon for his spirituall subiectes within the prouinc   2
An acte declarynge the establysshment of the successyon of the kynges moste royall maiestie in the i : England.  1534 1
Acte for a publike thankesgiuing to almightie God, euery yeere on the fift day of Nouember.   3
Acte for a publike thankesgiuing to almighty God, euery yeere on the fift day of Nouember. : Church of England.  1631 1
An acte for certayne ordinaunces in the Kynges Maiesties dominion and principalitie of VVales   2
Acte for confirmation of a subsedie graunted by the cleargie.   3
Acte for confirmation of a subsidie graunted by the cleargie. : England and Wales.  1572? 1
Acte for confirmation of the subsidies graunted to the clergie.   2
Acte for confyrmation of a subsidie graunted by the cleargie. : England and Wales.  1574? 1
Acte for one fifteene and tenth, and of one subsidie graunted by the temporaltie. : England and Wales.  1566 1
An acte for punishment of rogues, vagabonds and sturdie beggers : England and Wales.  1598? 1
An acte for the abstinence from flesh.. : England and Wales.  1549 1
An acte for the amendynge of hyghe wayes : England and Wales.  1555 1
An acte for the enableing of Philipp Viscount Strangford within the kingdome of Ireland and Isabella   1655? 1
An acte for the extinguishement of the fyrste fruites, and touchyng order and disposition of the ten : England and Wales.  1534 1
Acte for the grant of three entire subsidies, and sixe fifteenes and tenthes granted by the temporal   2
Acte for the graunt of three entier subsidies, and sixe fifteenes and tenthes graunted by the tempor : England and Wales.  1593 1
An acte for the hauynge of horsse, armour and weapon : England and Wales.  1558 1
An acte for the kepynge of milche kyen, and for the breadynge and rearynge of calues : England and Wales.  1555 1
An acte for the maintenance of the peere and cobbe of Lyme Regis, in the countie of Dorset : England and Wales.  1585 1
Acte for the preservacion of the ryver of Severne. : England and Wales.  1544 1
An acte for the prouision and relief of the poore.. : England and Wales.  1552 1
Acte for the provision and relief of the poore : England and Wales.  1552 1
Acte for the queenes maiesties most gratious general and free pardon. : England and Wales.  1593 1
Acte for the queenes majesties most gratious general and free pardon. : England and Wales.  1593 1
An acte for the reformation of diuers abuses vsed in the wardmote inquest : Together with the articl : City of London (England).  1617 1
Acte for the reformation of divers abuses used in the wardmote inquest. : City of London (England).  1617 1
An acte for the repeale of certayne actes made in the tyme of Kyng Edwarde the Sixt : England and Wales.  1553 1
Acte for the subsidie graunted of the clergye : England and Wales.  1543 1
An acte for the subsidie of the temporaltie   2
Acte for the vniformitie of common prayer, and seruice in the church, and administration of the sacr : Church of England.  1603 1
Acte for the vniformitie of common prayer and seruice in the churche : Church of England.  1577 1
Acte lymytyng the pryse of hattys and cappys brought frome beyont the see. : England.  1529 1
Acte of a subsedie and two fiftenes and tenth by the temporaltie. : England and Wales.  1559 1
Acte of a subsedye and two fiftenes and tenth by the temporaltie. : England and Wales.  1559 1
Acte of a subsedye and two fyftenes and tenth by the temporaltye. : England and Wales.  1559 1
Acte of a subsedye with two fyftenes and tenthes, graunted by the teporalitie. : England and Wales.  1564? 1
Acte of a subsidie with two fiftenes and tenthes graunted by the temporaltie. : England and Wales.  1563 1
Acte of a subsidie, with two fyfteenes and tenthes, graunted by the teporalitie. : England and Wales.  1573? 1
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