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Memoirs of the Geological survey, England and Wales: coalfields.   5
Memoirs of the Geological Survey, England and Wales: explanation of quarter-sheet 96 N.E., New   2
Memoirs of the Geological survey, England and Wales: explanation of sheet 125.   5
Memoirs of the Geological Survey, England and Wales: explanation of sheets 3 & 5. : Carruthers, Robert George.  1932 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, England and Wales: one-inch sheet memoirs, 78. : Edwards, Wilfrid Norman.  1940 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, England and Wales, sheet 352. : Hill, James Bastian.  1906 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, England. District memoirs. : Pocock, Theodore Innes.  1926 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey, England. Explanation of sheet 76 (Rochdale)   1927 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey, England ; explanation of sheet 319 : White, Harold J. Osborne,  1926 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey ; explanation of sheet 6 : Carruthers, Robert George.  1930 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheet 18. : Trotter, Frederick Murray.  1932 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheet 22. : Eastwood, Tom.  1930 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheet 137.   1929 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey: explanation of sheet 138 : Pocock, Roy Woodhouse.  1925 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey: explanation of sheet 154. : Barrow, George.  1919 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey: explanation of sheet 169 : Eastwood, Tom.  1923 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheet 205 : White, Harold J. Osborne, F.G.S.  1932 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey; explanation of sheet 207. : Boswell, Percy George Hamnall.  1927 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheet 217 : Richardson, Linsdall.  1929 1
Memoirs of the geological survey, explanation of sheet 283 : Jukes-Browne, Alfred Joseph.  1908 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey: explanation of sheet 315 : Reid, Clement, F.G.S.  1902 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey; explanation of sheet 328. : Reid, Clement, F.G.S.  1899 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey; explanation of sheet 339. : Ussher, William Augustus Edmond.  1913 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey ; explanation of sheet 346 : Reid, Clement,  1906 1
Memoirs of the geological survey, explanation of sheet a 274 and 290. : White, Harold J. Osborne, F.G.S.  1928 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheets 208 and 225 : Boswell, Percy George Hamnall.  1928 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheets 320 and 321. : White, Harold J. Osborne, F.G.S.  1928 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey, explanation of sheets 357 and 360. : Barrow, George.  1906 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey: general memoirs. : Jukes-Brown, Alfred Joseph.  1900 1
memoirs of the Geological survey of England and Wales, 68E. : Reid, Clement.  1882 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of England and Wales, 93 S.W. : Aveline, W.T.  1870 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of England and Wales, 98 S.E. : Aveline, William Talbot.  1872 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of England and Wales, coalfields. : Whitehead, Talbot Haes.  1927 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales: explanation of new series, sheet 4. : Gunn, William.  1927 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of England and Wales. Explanation of sheet 139.   3
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Great Britain, 304. : Shephard-Thorn, Ernest Roy.  1966 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Economic Geology.   1846 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology : Hull, Edward,  1859 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Great Britain, coalfields.   2
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. England and Wales   16
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Great Britain. England and Wales: district memoirs. One-inc   1963 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Great Britain, England and Wales: one-inch geological sheet   4
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Great Britain: mesozoic ironstones. : Taylor, James Haward.  1949 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain: Palaeontology ; v.4 : Crookall, Robert.  1955 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Great Britain: Scotland.   1970 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India v.39 ; pt.2. : La Touche, Thomas Henry Digues.  1913 1
Memoirs of the Geological survey of Ireland.   2
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland. : Fowler, A.  1961 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Scotland; 36   1909 1
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. : Lamplugh, George William.  1903 1
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