Produced by Ralph Baum. Screenplay by Marcel Achard, Max Ophüls and Annette Wademant, based on the novel by Louise de Vilmorin. Music by Oscar Strauss and Georges van Parys.
Includes: Charles Boyer, Danielle Darrieux, Vittorio De Sica, Jean Debucourt, Jean Galland.
Film originally issued 1953.
Other #
2NDVD3106 Second Sight
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Produced by Ralph Baum. Screenplay by Marcel Achard, Max Ophüls and Annette Wademant, based on the novel by Louise de Vilmorin. Music by Oscar Strauss and Georges van Parys.
Includes: Charles Boyer, Danielle Darrieux, Vittorio De Sica, Jean Debucourt, Jean Galland.
Produced by Ralph Baum. Screenplay by Marcel Achard, Max Ophüls and Annette Wademant, based on the novel by Louise de Vilmorin. Music by Oscar Strauss and Georges van Parys.
Includes: Charles Boyer, Danielle Darrieux, Vittorio De Sica, Jean Debucourt, Jean Galland.