Puchala Donald J : Western European perspectives on international affairs : public opinion studies and evaluations / edited by R.L. Merritt and D.J. Puchala.
Puchalski Christina M : Oxford textbook of spirituality in healthcare [electronic resource].
Puchelt Gerhard : Papillons op. 2 / edited from the autograph and original edition by H.C. Miller fingeing by G. Puchelt.
Pucheu Pierre : Ma vie : notes écrites à Ksar-es-Souk, à la prison civile de Meknès et à la prison militaire d'Alger.
Puchinger G : Minister-President van heuijzend Nederland / met medewweking van W.Drees, G.Puchinger, A.J. van der Weele.
Pucik Vladimir : The global challenge : international human resource management / by Paul Evans, Vladimir Pucik, Ingmar Björkman.
Puckell Steven : A true table of all such fees as are due to the Bishop of London : and all his depending officers, as commissaryes, registers, proctors, and apparitors, as hath been given in to his Majestyes commissioners in Starchamber under their own hands in the month of November M. DC. XXX. Whereto is added a true discovery of such fees ordinarily exacted by them upon his Majestyes good subjects contrary to this their own table and the statute laws of the land. Published by Steven Puckell and sent as a love token for his countryes good.
Puckett John Rogers : Five photo-textual documentaries from the Great Depression.
Puckle Thomas : Gentil-congregations no tithe-payers. Or, certain reasons wherein is clearly shewed, what just ground there is for gentiles conscientiously to make question of the lawfulness of their paying tithes / as they were presented unto the right worshipful John Brandlin, and Thomas Edgar esquires, justices of the peace for the worshipful committee, then sitting at the Grey-hound in Ipswich, By William Westup and Thomas Puckle.
Pudjowardojo Slamet : Petikan mantja warna... / oleh S. Poedjowardojo dan T. Hadidjaja.
Pudlo Frances T 1948 : Reflections of a cold warrior : from Yalta to the Bay of Pigs / Richard M. Bissell, Jr. ; with Jonathan E. Lewis and Frances T. Pudlo.
Pudney Warwick : A volcano in my tummy : helping children to handle anger : a resource book for parents, caregivers and teachers / Warwick Pudney and Eliane Whitehouse.