Marketing Law And Legislation : International agency, distribution and licensing agreements / written and edited by Richard Christou.; Christou, Richard.
Marketing Management Research Methodology : Applying qualitative methods to marketing management research / edited by Renate Buber, Johannes Gadner and Lyn Richards.
Marketing Philosophy : Marketing theory : a student text / edited by Michael J. Baker & Michael Saren.
Marketing Philosophy History : Marketing discourse [electronic resource] : a critical perspective / Per Skålén, Martin Fougère and Markus Fellesson.; Skålén, Per.
Marketing Religious Aspects Islam : Emerging research on Islamic marketing and tourism in the global economy / Hatem El-Gohary, Birmingham City University Business School, UK & Cairo University Business School, Egypt, Riyad Eid, United Arab Emirates University -School of Business Economic, UAE & Tanta University Business School, Egypt.
Marketing Research Congresses : Seminar on Advertising, Sponsorship, and Promotions : understanding and measuring the effectiveness of commercial communication : Madrid (Spain), 15th-17th March 1995.; Seminar on Advertising, Sponsorship, and Promotions
Marketing Research India : New perspectives in marketing.; National Council of Applied Economic Research.
Marketing Research Malaysia : A study on consumer preferences for locally produced food products : report for Japan International Cooperation Agency / Jariah Masud ... [et al.].
Marketing Research Management : Sales forecasting management : a demand management approach / John T. Mentzer, Mark A. Moon.; Mentzer, John T.
Marketing Research Statistical Methods Handbooks Manuals Etc : Marketing scales handbook : a compilation of multi-item measures for consumer behavior & advertising. Vol.4 / Gordon C. Bruner II, Paul J. Hensel, Karen E. James.; Bruner, Gordon C.,